Poster with 36 Stretches for Office Workers

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You are receiving a copyrighted graphic file that contains the 36 stretches that are in Stretch Break software version 6.2.   You are encouraged to make posters and handouts as long as you keep the content intact and do not charge a fee.

By downloading it you agree to these restrictions.

For more information about Stretch Break click here.

Simply fill in the information below and <SUBMIT> it.  Then download the .pdf file.

It is formatted to print on a 13 x 19 inch poster but will also print on other size paper.

Your name:
Your email address:
Where did you hear about this offer?
How will you be using the graphic?


If you have a Adobe Reader it will open and display the file.

Click below to download a free copy of Adobe Reader.

The image file is named "36_stretches_for_office_workers_13_19.pdf"

Stretches focus on parts of the body most likely to be harmed by RSIs including the neck, arms, hands, back, legs, and wrists. Also, includes eye exercises. This version, contains 36 stretches.  Several focus on stretching the muscles associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

As with all exercise programs, if you have a pre-existing medical condition, suffer from any physical or stress-related disorders or conditions, present or past, or are under the care of a physician or occupational or physical therapist, please check with them before trying these stretches.

* Para Technologies respects your privacy: We never sell, rent or otherwise distribute your name to other companies. It will only be used to contact you about upgrades or to get your feedback so we can continue to improve Stretch Break.

Published and Designed by:

Para Technologies
Costa Mesa CA 92626

Copyright (C) 1997 - 2007,  Para Technologies